Cowman Lecture, 2021 Seoul Theological University, South Korea By Mark K. Olson. Abstract: The doctrine of justification is usually associated with John Wesley after his evangelical conversion in 1738. Few...
By Mark K. Olson. Abstract: After looking at Wesley’s Journal, sermons, and NT commentary in Part One to discern his views on Spirit baptism. In Part Two, we survey Spirit...
By Mark K. Olson. Abstract: In this two-part study John Wesleys understanding of the baptism with the Holy Spirit is examined in detail. The phrase has been linked to a...
By Mark K. Olson. Abstract: John Wesley is widely recognized for his contributions to the subject of soteriology (doctrine of salvation). Yet, his doctrine of creation serves as a backdrop...
By Mark K. Olson. Abstract: Wesley’s religious experience at Aldersgate remains the most famous and debated event in his life. Scholars disagree on what the experience meant to Wesley at...