Topical Index for Articles
Podcast: John Wesley and Aldersgate – What Happened?
Wesley’s ‘Warmed Heart’ at Aldersgate – What Really Happened?
Anglican Context – 18th Century
The Doctrine of Justification in the Early Wesley
The New Birth in the Early Wesley
Millennial Aspirations and the Problem of Religious Nominalism
Spotlight TV Interview – Logan Crawford and Mark K. Olson
The Trinitarian Theology of Charles Wesley’s Hymnody
Animal Redemption
From the Beginning to the End: John Wesley’s Doctrine of Creation
From Heaven Above to New Creation Below
Assurance of Salvation
“No Room For Mirth Or Trifling Here”
The Doctrine of Justification in the Early Wesley
The New Birth in the Early Wesley
Wesley’s ‘Warmed Heart’ at Aldersgate – What Really Happened?
George Whitefield’s Doctrine of Conversion, 1735-1740
Baptism, Water/Spirit
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part One
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part Two
Spotlight TV Interview – Logan Crawford and Mark K. Olson
Calvinistic Methodism
George Whitefield’s Doctrine of Conversion, 1735-1740
“No Room For Mirth Or Trifling Here”
Christian Perfection/Holiness
John Wesley as Spiritual Father, Part One
John Wesley as Spiritual Father, Part Two
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part One
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part Two
John Wesley on Sin and Holiness
Suffering and Becoming Holy: Insights from John Wesley’s Pastoral Counsel
Strange Bedfellows: A Reappraisal of Mildred Wynkoop’s “A Theology of Love”
Podcast: John Wesley and Aldersgate – What Happened?
George Whitefield’s Doctrine of Conversion, 1735-1740
The Doctrine of Justification in the Early Wesley
The New Birth in the Early Wesley
Wesley’s ‘Warmed Heart’ at Aldersgate – What Really Happened?
The Stillness Controversy of 1740: Tradition Shaping Scripture Reading
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part One
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part Two
Strange Bedfellows: A Reappraisal of Mildred Wynkoop’s “A Theology of Love”
From the Beginning to the End: John Wesley’s Doctrine of Creation
Doctrinal Standards
Early Methodist Christology
Songs of the Faithful: The Wesleyan Hymns as Border for the People Called Methodists
The Stillness Controversy of 1740: Tradition Shaping Scripture Reading
English Early Modern Period
Millennial Aspirations and the Problem of Religious Nominalism
Early Church
Clement of Alexandria: An Early Church Wesleyan?
Millennial Aspirations and the Problem of Religious Nominalism
The Revival and Methodist Self-Understanding
From Heaven Above to New Creation Below
Major Themes in John Wesley’s Eschatology
John Wesley’s Order of Eschatological Events
Theme of Real Christianity in John Wesley’s Commentary on Revelation
From the Beginning to the End: John Wesley’s Doctrine of Creation
Faith of a Servant
Podcast: John Wesley & Justification
Final Salvation for Unevangelized?
Opening Salvation’s Door: Acts 10:35 and John Wesley’s Inclusivism
Holiness Theology
Strange Bedfellows: A Reappraisal of Mildred Wynkoop’s “A Theology of Love”
Holy Communion
The Stillness Controversy of 1740: Tradition Shaping Scripture Reading
Holy Living Tradition
The Doctrine of Justification in the Early Wesley
Holy Spirit
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part One
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part Two
Holy Spirit – Gifts
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part One
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part Two
Human Nature
Strange Bedfellows: A Reappraisal of Mildred Wynkoop’s “A Theology of Love”
The Trinitarian Theology of Charles Wesley’s Hymnody
“No Room For Mirth Or Trifling Here”
The Doctrine of Justification in the Early Wesley
Songs of the Faithful: The Wesleyan Hymns as Border for the People Called Methodists
Intermediate State
From Heaven Above to New Creation Below
Major Themes in John Wesley’s Eschatology
Jesus Christ
Podcast: John Wesley & Justification
Podcast: Justification – A Foundational Doctrine
Spotlight TV Interview – Logan Crawford and Mark K. Olson
The Doctrine of Justification in the Early Wesley
Luther & Wesley on Justification by Faith Alone
Kingdom of God
Major Themes in John Wesley’s Eschatology
John Wesley’s Order of Eschatological Events
Major Themes in John Wesley’s Eschatology
John Wesley as Spiritual Father, Part One
John Wesley as Spiritual Father, Part Two
Methodist/Evangelical Revival
The Revival and Methodist Self-Understanding
John Wesley and the Moravians: 1735-1741
Pietist Credentials of John Wesley
The Stillness Controversy of 1740: Tradition Shaping Scripture Reading
Natural Philosophy & Great Chain of Being
From the Beginning to the End: John Wesley’s Doctrine of Creation
From Heaven Above to New Creation Below
New Heavens & Earth
From the Beginning to the End: John Wesley’s Doctrine of Creation
From Heaven Above to New Creation Below
Oxford Methodism
The Doctrine of Justification in the Early Wesley
The New Birth in the Early Wesley
George Whitefield’s Doctrine of Conversion, 1735-1740
The New Birth in the Early Wesley
Wesley’s ‘Warmed Heart’ at Aldersgate – What Really Happened?
George Whitefield’s Doctrine of Conversion, 1735-1740
The Stillness Controversy of 1740: Tradition Shaping Scripture Reading
The Doctrine of Justification in the Early Wesley
Spotlight TV Interview – Logan Crawford and Mark K. Olson
The Doctrine of Justification in the Early Wesley
George Whitefield’s Doctrine of Conversion, 1735-1740
Luther & Wesley on Justification by Faith Alone
The New Birth in the Early Wesley
The Stillness Controversy of 1740: Tradition Shaping Scripture Reading
Wesley’s ‘Warmed Heart’ at Aldersgate – What Really Happened?
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part One
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part Two
John Wesley on Sin and Holiness
Opening Salvation’s Door: Acts 10:35 and John Wesley’s Inclusivism
“No Room For Mirth Or Trifling Here”
The Stillness Controversy of 1740: Tradition Shaping Scripture Reading
John Wesley’s Doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit: An Exegetical Study – Part One
Theme of Real Christianity in John Wesley’s Commentary on Revelation
John Wesley on Sin and Holiness
The New Birth in the Early Wesley
“No Room For Mirth Or Trifling Here”
Soul – Human & Animal
From the Beginning to the End: John Wesley’s Doctrine of Creation
From Heaven Above to New Creation Below
Strange Bedfellows: A Reappraisal of Mildred Wynkoop’s “A Theology of Love”
Suffering and Becoming Holy: Insights from John Wesley’s Pastoral Counsel
The Doctrine of the Trinity in John Wesley’s Prose and Poetic Works
The Trinitarian Theology of Charles Wesley’s Hymnody
Early Methodist Christology