The Writings of Charles Wesley


Wesleyscholar provides early editions of primary source materials to facilitate historical research on the Wesleys and early Methodism. This page offers the writings of Charles Wesley that were published in the 18th century and posthumously. There are links to the CW Society, his published hymnals, and manuscript verse.

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Links to
Charles Wesley Society

Charles Wesley Society Archives
The Wesley Historical Society

For bibliographic information on CW’s published writings:
Green Bibliography 2nd ed 1906

General resources on hymnology in the church:
Hatfield Poets of the Church 1884
Julian Dictionary of Hymnology (1892) 1-313
Julian Dictionary of Hymnology 314-645
Julian Dictionary of Hymnology 646-977
Julian Dictionary of Hymnology 978-1306
Julian Dictionary of Hymnology Indices 1307-1616

Studies on Wesleys Hymnology:
Worington Echoes of BCP in Wesleys Hymns 1876
Hatfield JWs Translations of German Hymns 1896


Though CW began his journal in March 1736 (one month after he arrived in Georgia as a missionary), it was published posthumously in 1793 with excerpts from John Whitehead’s account of CW’s life (expanded 2nd edition in 1805) and Thomas Jackson’s Life of CW in 1741 (see Meet the Wesleys page). Jackson then published the journal in two volumes in 1849:
Journal vol 1 1849
Journal vol 2 1849

The Wesleys at times used shorthand in their diaries and journals developed by James Weston (1688-1748) and John Byrom (1692-1763). In 1742 Weston published his work Stenography Compleated in 1727 and Bryom’s work The Universal English Shorthand was published posthumously in 1767. Byrom received sole right to publish his method from King George II. His method marked a significant development in the history of shorthand until it was superseded in the 19th century. Also included is Matthias Levy’s history on shorthand. For more information, see the Anglican Sources page.
Shorthand Its History & Prospects 1885
Stenography Compleated 1738
The Universal English Shorthand 1767


Though CW is remembered more as a poet and hymn writer, he was an effective evangelist alongside his brother. Awake Thou that Sleepest is an evangelistic sermon aimed to awaken those who feel secure in their sinful lifestyle.
Awake Thou that Sleepest 1742
Awake Thou that Sleepest 5th ed 1743

Here is a tract CW published on the conversion of Hannah Richardson. For other conversion testimonies CW collected, see the Early Methodist page.
Account Hannah Richardson 1748

In the spring 1750 London was struck with a powerful earthquake. Aftershocks continued for days and weeks. At the time earthquakes were seen as acts of God. In response to the earthquake CW wrote this evangelistic tract calling people to repentance. The tract was later reissued after the Great Lisbon earthquake on November 1, 1755. The tract is informative on the Wesleys’ evangelistic methods:
Cause and Cure of Earthquakes 1750

CW was a effective preacher and evangelist, though today he is remembered for his hymns and poetry. His sermons were published posthumously as a collection in 1816:
Sermons 1816

Hymnals – Early Editions

Charles’ fame as a hymn writing is well established. His hymns not only inspire worship but are rich in theology. The following articles explore aspects of Charles’ theology in his hymnody:
The Trinitarian Theology of Charles Wesley’s Hymnody
No Room For Mirth or Trifling Here
Songs of the Faithful: The Wesleyan Hymns as Border for the People Called Methodists

Charles and John usually published hymnals as joint projects (see hymnals on the John Wesley page). But CW also published hymnals as solo projects. For more information on CW’s poetic writings, click on the manuscript verse link below.
Hymns & Sacred Poems I 5th ed 1755
Hymns and Sacred Poems III 1742
Hymns and Sacred Poems III 2nd ed 1745
Hymns for Nativity of Our Lord 1745
Hymns for Times of Trouble 2nd ed 1745
Hymns for Times of Trouble 3rd ed 1756
Hymns for Nativity of Our Lord 1745
Funeral Hymns 1746
Hymns for Ascension Day 1747
Hymns and Sacred Poems vol 1 1749
Hymns and Sacred Poems vol 2 1749
Collection of Psalms & Hymns 5th ed 1751
Hymns of Petition & Thanksgiving 1753
Hymns for New Year’s Day 1755
Short Hymnal vol II 1762
Hymns for Use of Families 1767
Hymns for Use of Families 2nd ed 1825
Hymns to the Trinity 5th ed 1771
Select Hymns with Tunes Annexed 4th ed 1773
Hymns for Lord’s Nativity 1788
Hymns for Lord’s Nativity reprint 1810
Hymns of Intercession for All Mankind 1790
Hymns for Our Lord’s Resurrection 1791
Hymns on God’s Everlasting Love 4th ed 1792

Charles and John were high church Anglicans their entire lives. The mainstream Anglican view held that Christ’s body and blood are spiritually present in the meal so that grace is imparted to worthy communicants for forgiveness of actual sins and spiritual strength to live devoted lives to Christ. The meal was also understood as an opportunity to renew one’s baptismal covenant and to recommit to live for God and to deny the flesh, world, and devil any room in their life. The 1745 Hymnal on the Lord’s Supper contains an important introduction that spells out the Wesleys’ eucharistic theology and how the sacrament relates to salvation. Included below are several early editions of the hymnal along with a reprint of the Wesleys eucharistic manuals.
Preface to Hymns on Lord’s Supper 1st ed 1745
Hymns on Lord’s Supper 1st ed 1745
Hymns on Lord’s Supper 2nd ed 1747
Hymns on Lord’s Supper 3rd ed 1751
Hymns on Lord’s Supper 4th ed 1762
Hymns on Lord’s Supper 5th ed 1762
Hymns on Lord’s Supper 6th ed 1771
Hymns on Lord’s Supper 9th ed 1786
Eucharistic Manuals of the Wesleys 1748, 1754, 1794 editions reprint

Hymnals – Collections

Link to The Wesleys’ Published Hymnals.

Osborn Edition
CW reportedly wrote between 6,000-9,000 hymns over his life. One of the largest collections of Wesley hymns and poems was compiled by George Osborn in thirteen volumes from 1868-1872. The first several volumes contain hymnals published by John and Charles. The latter volumes contain hymns/poetry by CW that was before unpublished:
Poetic Works vol 1
Poetic Works vol 2
Poetic Works vol 3
Poetic Works vol 4
Poetic Works vol 5
Poetic Works vol 6
Poetic Works vol 7
Poetic Works vol 8
Poetic Works vol 9
Poetic Works vol 10
Poetic Works vol 11
Poetic Works vol 12
Poetic Works vol 13

Link to Charles Wesley Manuscript Verse.